The film and developing TV series portrays life in 1800’s Michigan, focusing on a Civil War vet trying to make peace with his losses and start a new life despite the world resisting change around him… Show More
Bored with her social-butterfly lifestyle, Victoria Tremont longs to find that special someone. Naturally, when a handsome stranger walks into the coffee shop where she works, she turns on the charm. But when he fails to respond to her flirting the way men usually do, she’s perplexed. She finds out that he runs a ministry […]
Based on the story of Roanoke Virginia police officer Bryan Lawrence who fought his way back from on-duty complete paralysis through sheer faith…. Show More
In the midst of the Civil War, a boy and his dog escape a plantation and embark on a life-changing journey. Inspired by true events, “Dog Jack” chronicles a turbulent moment in American history, and a tale that’s never been forgotten… Show More
A cloak & dagger adventure about the Federal Reserve and the international financial conspiracy that threatens the world. Three heroic college students uncover the plot…and risk their lives to expose the secret syndicate… Show More
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